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    Healthwatch England spoke to 47 young people to find out how they want extra funding to be used, so they can access the mental health support they need.
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    Mind In Bexley have a temporary service change in place following Government advice.
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    NHS South East London CCG has commissioned a new online service for providing free, safe and anonymous mental health support for people aged 26+.
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    Re-Instate has received long-term funding to support the development of its Living Well project.
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    The recent lockdowns have had a profound effect on people’s mental health and wellbeing and as we come out of it there are many anxieties and worries. The theme for Men’s Health Week is “How do we move forward?”
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    “Room To Grow” is a project about reflecting on a space or place that has meaning to you as part of your perinatal mental health and parenthood journeys.