Introducing the Bexley Health and Wellbeing bus

Bexley’s Health and Wellbeing bus will be on tour across the borough over the next few months
council leader with the  Health and Wellbeing bus team

Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors will be on board to provide information and tips on keeping your mind and body active and to inform you about the free support available to help with weight management and mental health. You can also take a no symptoms COVID test and get advice on vaccines.

A Bexley Wellbeing Week will run from 17 to 23 January where the bus will be located at the Clock Tower, Bexleyheath Broadway all week, promoting lots of activities taking place in Bexley that can support people when it comes to keeping healthy and well and improving their mental and physical wellbeing.

The bus will operate Monday to Saturday, 9am to 5pm.  For information about the bus schedule and activities taking place in Bexley for the 17th to 23rd January, visit Looking after your health | London Borough of Bexley

A list of mental health and wellbeing resources for adults in Bexley can be found here :

On Wednesday 26 January from 10-4pm, a zoom event will take place all about mental health and wellbeing for people with learning disabilities.  To book a place please email